CAT SYA promotes the school sponsorship of vulnerable children (mostly orphans and/or in economically disadvantaged situations).

With the goal of guaranteeing access to education and quality training and thus ensuring their professional future, sponsorship began in 2009 with the enrollment of two young girls in school.

Since then, the number of boys and girls we sponsor has increased year after year, reaching 74 this year (43 in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso, 30 in Kotedugú,  and 1 in Koro) for the 2023-24 term.

A long-term approach

The school sponsorship promoted by CAT SYA is personalized, so that each godmother or godfather knows their child and follows them year after year, noting the progress and getting to know their particularities. Therefore, it is a long-term project with the objective of guaranteeing the completion of the child's school cycle, until reaching university and/or dignified professional training.

Becoming a Sponsor with CAT SYA means...

Giving the opportunity to a girl or boy in extreme poverty to go to school and achieve a good academic level that will allow them in the future to improve their living conditions and those of their families.

Sponsors stay in the loop

The godmother or godfather receives from CAT SYA the necessary information about the child's personal situation: data about their growth, nutrition and health status, the grades obtained during the school year, justification of expenses, as well as some photographs to visualize the work that we are doing.

Criteria for selection

The requests for sponsorship are transmitted to us by school directors, teachers, members of the Parents/ Mothers Association of the schools (APE/AME) or sometimes individuals who have known about CAT SYA and present us with a case. Generally, they are children in extreme poverty, with poor nutrition and families who cannot afford their education. The NGO and the teaching staff analyze each case and prioritize sponsorships for the most extreme cases.

Study, Reading, and Games at the Headquarters

The Bobo-Diulasso headquarters is open for use by sponsored children. We have a library with academic books, novels, stories... in French and English, that children can use daily. They also have board games at their disposal, and once every quarter CAT SYA organizes educational movie screenings and cartoons for them.

Future University Students!

After several years of continuous sponsorship, CAT SYA has seen with satisfaction the arrival of the first two children at the University: a boy and a girl, who passed the BAC (Baccalaureate) exam in 2021. Their godmothers have decided to continue financing their studies throughout their whole career! ... Objective achieved!!

What do we finance with the sponsorship?

Thanks to the sponsorship formula, we can finance the following:

Sponsorship 2020 in figures

Sponsored Children
Direct Beneficiaries
Teachers and involved staff
Hours of reinforcement classes
% approval rates
bicycle donations

Sponsor a girl or a boy!

Sponsoring a girl or boy guarantees access to education, improves their daily nutrition, and provides them with tools for a better future.

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